Feeling free and at peace from within is the best feeling in the world. Negativity, abusive experiences, hurtful interactions, and controlling circumstances are a few of the things that take space from the mind and deprive it of its inner freedom and peace. Reclaiming this space will not just free your mind, but it will have you experience life at different levels of happiness, love, and success.

You are worthy of feeling free of negative thoughts and painful memories. You are worthy of living a happy and prosperous life. However, you are the only one who can get rid of the negative to open room for a new beginning and happier life.
Your mind belongs to you solely! Make time to free it from negative experiences to enjoy a happier life.
Your mind is so valuable. You should never allow the negativity of others to possess space in it. Your mind is the instrument of creativity, intelligence, and intellectual prospering. Freeing the negative space will let you be the maestro of your symphony and will have the real you shine and prosper.
The abstract drawings are the tool that helps you alternate your focus from falling into the negative memories to living the moment, focusing on beauty, and experiencing the ability to enjoy the unlimited possibilities of creating unique pictures.
Dwelling on the negative will duplicate negative experiences and make life a roller coaster of ups and downs. Taking control of your mind will do the opposite. It will have you walk your straight path with confidence, love, joy, and increased productivity.
It feels powerful to let go of the negative and enjoy the blessings of inner peace and freedom from within and around. Let the abstract drawings help you free your minds, release your stress, and expand your imagination.